The Black Egg: The way to eat vegemite like the pro's

Monday, June 6, 2011 0 comments
This is for all you non Australians who are afraid of the big, bad, black paste from down under. Oooooo scary!

I first tried eggs with Vegemite when I read on the side of the jar "great on toast with a fried egg on top"

Hmmm. So what does it taste like I thought?

It has now become the only way I'll eat an egg on toast. Rich salty savouriness with luscious creamy golden eggs on crisp toast? It just needs to be tried. (Note to non Australians; the key is to spread very sparingly, the black paste with butter or you will not only look silly in the eyes of Aussies, but you might pucker your lips inside your mouth and where they end up only your doctor need know!)

For a less rustic version (though nothing wrong with that), try soft boiling an egg and cutting the Vegemite and butter spread toast into thirds (or soldiers in Oz) and dip them into the golden goodness and serve with a strong black beverage.

Your choice of course. Bovril anyone?

Picture Acknowledgment:

Ice Cream Spider: Good Ol' 50's

Happy days: The old drive in diner, a Burger and fries with an ice-cream soda!

Ice-cream Soda?

The ice cream soda was invented by Robert M. Green in Philadelphia, PA, in 1874.

The traditional story is that, on a particularly hot day, Mr. Green ran out of ice for the flavored sodas he was selling and used vanilla ice cream from a neighboring vendor to keep his sodas cold.

His own account, published in Soda Fountain magazine in 1910, states that while operating a soda fountain at the Franklin Institute's sesquicentennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1874, he wanted to create a new treat to attract customers away from another vendor who had a fancier, bigger soda fountain.

After some experimenting, he decided to combine ice cream and soda water. During the celebration, he sold vanilla ice cream with soda water and a choice of 16 different flavored syrups.The new treat was a sensation, and soon other soda fountains began selling ice cream sodas.

Green's will instructed that "Originator of the Ice Cream Soda" was to be engraved on his tombstone.

In Australia they are called Ice Cream "Spiders" and in the UK they are usually referred to as a "Float"

Choose whatever flavour of carbonated sugary beverage and just add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


Deep Fried Mars Bar: The tastiest heart stopper on earth, or is it?

OK, I admit, some comfort foods are just wrong. But in what way?

Taste? No, this one is glorious, hot, melty, battered, chocolaty yuminess!

Expensive? Well its just a $3.00 chocolate bar dipped in batter and deep fried.

Healthy? Hmmmm OK!
Like so many comfort foods, this has to be eaten in moderation, perhaps even, extreme moderation!

So why does it give many healthy eating experts the same result they say you'll get if you eat it...a heart attack!

"Morrison and Petticrew surveyed around 300 Scottish fast food restaurants that sell Britain's most popular meal: fish and chips (fries). They found 22 percent of these "chip shops" also served deep-fried Mars bars (a Milky Way in the U.S.). Each contains more than 420 calories."
According to

So how many calories does a Mars Bar contain, when it's not deep fried?

Calories in 100g of Mars Bar = 448.0 cals!
According to

So, what can you conclude from this?

Enjoy all things in moderation of course and really don't take what you find online for granted.

If you like it..enjoy it..just do it in moderation.