Showing posts with label Meat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meat. Show all posts

Pie Floater: Looks can be decieving

Monday, February 28, 2011 0 comments
Now this is another love hate food from my local area. A big bowl of thick pea soup, an inverted (must be upside down or it's not authentic) meat (usually beef) pie and a good dollop of tomato sauce (ketchup).

These are usually sold as street food although there has been lately a move to reinvent this dish as fine dining.

Fritz: The child pacifier

Fritz is a type of manufactured meat product sold in Australia and New Zealand. It is usually served in a sandwich, often with tomato sauce and can also be fried in slices.

Typical commercial preparations list the major ingredient as "Meat including Pork". It is usually composed of several types of pork, basic spices, and a binder.

It is referred to as "Polony" in Western Australia, "Luncheon" in Queensland and northern areas of New Zealand, "Fritz" in South Australia and far western areas of New South Wales, "Belgium" or "Rokeby Roast" in Tasmania and southern New Zealand and "Devon" in Victoria and East New South Wales.

Fritz would be classed as "Luncheon Meat" in the UK. It is similar in appearance and taste to boloney. Originally known in some parts of Australia as "German sausage", this name fell out of favour during World War I when Australia was at war with Germany.

In Hungary, it is called "Párizsi" or rarely "Parizer", and can be bought sliced or in sticks. It is considered to be a cheap meat product.

Most children in South Australia grew up getting a slice of Fritz from the butcher when their parents went in to buy some meat.