I first tried eggs with Vegemite when I read on the side of the jar "great on toast with a fried egg on top"
Hmmm. So what does it taste like I thought?
It has now become the only way I'll eat an egg on toast. Rich salty savouriness with luscious creamy golden eggs on crisp toast? It just needs to be tried. (Note to non Australians; the key is to spread very sparingly, the black paste with butter or you will not only look silly in the eyes of Aussies, but you might pucker your lips inside your mouth and where they end up only your doctor need know!)
For a less rustic version (though nothing wrong with that), try soft boiling an egg and cutting the Vegemite and butter spread toast into thirds (or soldiers in Oz) and dip them into the golden goodness and serve with a strong black beverage.
Your choice of course. Bovril anyone?
Picture Acknowledgment: http://www.art.com/products/p13721554-sa-i2714776/tanya-zouev-hard-boiled-breakfast-egg-and-toast-with-vegemite.htm
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