Ice-cream Soda?
The ice cream soda was invented by Robert M. Green in Philadelphia, PA, in 1874.
The traditional story is that, on a particularly hot day, Mr. Green ran out of ice for the flavored sodas he was selling and used vanilla ice cream from a neighboring vendor to keep his sodas cold.
His own account, published in Soda Fountain magazine in 1910, states that while operating a soda fountain at the Franklin Institute's sesquicentennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1874, he wanted to create a new treat to attract customers away from another vendor who had a fancier, bigger soda fountain.
After some experimenting, he decided to combine ice cream and soda water. During the celebration, he sold vanilla ice cream with soda water and a choice of 16 different flavored syrups.The new treat was a sensation, and soon other soda fountains began selling ice cream sodas.
Green's will instructed that "Originator of the Ice Cream Soda" was to be engraved on his tombstone.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_soda
In Australia they are called Ice Cream "Spiders" and in the UK they are usually referred to as a "Float"
Choose whatever flavour of carbonated sugary beverage and just add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.