Ice Cream Spider: Good Ol' 50's

Monday, June 6, 2011
Happy days: The old drive in diner, a Burger and fries with an ice-cream soda!

Ice-cream Soda?

The ice cream soda was invented by Robert M. Green in Philadelphia, PA, in 1874.

The traditional story is that, on a particularly hot day, Mr. Green ran out of ice for the flavored sodas he was selling and used vanilla ice cream from a neighboring vendor to keep his sodas cold.

His own account, published in Soda Fountain magazine in 1910, states that while operating a soda fountain at the Franklin Institute's sesquicentennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1874, he wanted to create a new treat to attract customers away from another vendor who had a fancier, bigger soda fountain.

After some experimenting, he decided to combine ice cream and soda water. During the celebration, he sold vanilla ice cream with soda water and a choice of 16 different flavored syrups.The new treat was a sensation, and soon other soda fountains began selling ice cream sodas.

Green's will instructed that "Originator of the Ice Cream Soda" was to be engraved on his tombstone.

In Australia they are called Ice Cream "Spiders" and in the UK they are usually referred to as a "Float"

Choose whatever flavour of carbonated sugary beverage and just add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.



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